You can find people sharing their Vote for Better Money stickers, flyers, and signs on Nostr.

But what is Nostr?

Nostr is a social media protocol, not a platform

Nostr is a new protocol that allows you to communicate online without fear of censorship, deplatforming, or deboosting.

Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are controlled by a single company, but no one controls the Nostr protocol.

Nostr gives you the freedom to move

Nostr is similar to email. No one controls the email protocol, and anyone can build a client (like Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) on top of it.

No one controls the Nostr protocol, and anyone can build a client (like Damus, Amethyst, etc.) on top of it.

If you don't like how a certain client works, you can seamlessly move your Nostr account to another client without losing your followers or content.

Bitcoin is built in

Bitcoin is built in natively to the Nostr protocol.

If you see content you like, you can easily zap Bitcoin to someone as a thank you!

On centralized platforms like Twitter and Facebook, the centralized company earns money from your content.

But on open protocols like Nostr, you can earn better money (Bitcoin) from your content.

Download a free client to join Nostr now

iPhone - Damus
Android - Amethyst
Web - Snort

Then follow us here or search to find us in any client!